Friday, January 20, 2012

Summies Prefects at Rich Ranch

No We Are Not In A Choir
Sorry we are late with the post but this is a camp with loads of work to round off the group for their year as prefects.
The day was fill with the "Amazing Race" and swimming and then of course all the workshops about leadership styles and planning. 
Thinking Caps On
They are going to be an amazing - Just you wait and see - Great things will be happening in 2012.
Don't worry about them - We will look after them - Sleep tight, will post again tomorrow. 


  1. Hi Summies Prefects and Teachers,
    We hope you are all having a wonderful time.
    Hi Michael Sumner - We hope your ear is not giving you to much trouble.
    Enjoy yourselfs.
    Love Mom, Dad & Granny

  2. Hi to all Summies Prefects - you are the best!
    Have lots of fun and enjoy the weekend.
